

The Way to a Dog’s Heart is Through its Stomach


During our education to become dog trainers we realised how the food we give our dogs influences his / her behaviour. Words like crude protein, serotonin, tryptophan, muscle flesh etc. suddenly made sense to us. There is indeed a lot of wisdom in the sentence: "You are what you eat!". Manufacturing and distribtion of

The Way to a Dog’s Heart is Through its Stomach2020-02-20T19:15:48+01:00

Our Philosophy


Dogs love being outside and to act and play in a team. They want to be part of a pack. Each dog has its own individual abilities and they strengthen each other. They communicate in their own language - the body language -, also in energy and charisma. As dogwalkers we accompany your dogs

Our Philosophy2021-05-07T17:04:41+02:00

Life Without a Dog is a Mistake!


These words by Louis Armstrong are among the best statements ever made about the relationship between a human and his /her best friend. There are no other two species on this planet which during evolution have managed to interact with each other such as man and dog. At the same time, the dog is way

Life Without a Dog is a Mistake!2018-08-10T12:21:53+02:00
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